Thermal Printer TERP ABS


The TERP ABS thermal printer is provided with ABS casing and a splash and dust protection cover. It is suitable for the chemical and food industry and is ideal for operating in harsh environments or with a high degree of hygiene. PWS: 22/2012

Further Information

Technical Specifications in PDF

Product code: -_-

Technical Specifications

Internal Resolution: 203 dpi
Print Method: Thermal printing
Programmable options: baud rate, data length, parity bit, handshaking, autofeed, number of columns, font size and print density
Print direction: selectable (upright or reversed)
Print formats: normal, double height and width, reverse, underscored, expanded
Printing speed: up to 50mm/sec
Roll size: diameter 50mm
Paper width: 58mm
Columns: 24/40